Edgard Casanova


Real Estate Professional, serving residential and commercial property buyers, sellers, and investors in Orlando, Tampa, Miami, and surrounding areas.

( Español / English )


  • Private Consultant
  • Real Estate Coaching
  • Marketing Training
  • Buyer Consultation
  • Seller Consultation
  • Investment Consultant

OUR Alliances

  • Credit Repair
  • Immigration Attorney
  • Tax Services
  • Business Registration
  • Bookkeeping
  • Revenue Accounting Projects
Thinking of Buying or Selling?

Thinking of Buying or Selling?

Whether you are buying or selling a home, it can be quite an adventurous journey. You need an experienced Real Estate Professional to lead you to your ultimate goal. It is easy to hire any agent, but choosing the most qualified agent takes planning.

Buying a Vacation Home!

Buying a Vacation Home!

Investing in vacation rental properties is one of the best ways of making money and building wealth in real estate. We aim to provide freedom and financial peace of mind that comes from performing professional management services on their behalf.

Request A Private Appointment!

Contact us today to request a private on-site appointment. You can easily set up a meeting at your convenience by clicking on the "Request a private meeting" button below. Our dedicated team will promptly get in touch with you to confirm a suitable day and time.

During this personalized meeting, we will be delighted to discuss financing options, provide information about available properties, explore various residence options, and address any questions or concerns you may have.

We are excited to meet you and assist you in finding your dream home! If you need immediate assistance, please feel free to call us at (407) 486-9299.

Hablamos Español!


Entendemos la importancia de poder comunicarnos en el idioma nativo de nuestros clientes, lo cual nos permite brindar un servicio más cercano y personalizado.

Ya sea que estés buscando comprar, vender o invertir en bienes raíces en Florida, estamos aquí para asesorarte en español y ayudarte a alcanzar tus metas inmobiliarias.

No dudes en contactarnos para recibir atención en tu idioma y disfrutar de una experiencia cómoda y satisfactoria en el mercado inmobiliario de Florida.

TAGS: casas en venta en florida, realtor en florida, casas en orlando, casa en tampa, casas en miami, agentes de bienes raices, bienes raices, venta de casas, casas vacacionales, inversiones de propiedades, venta de casas vacacionales en Orlando florida, nuevas construcciones en Orlando, Tampa y Miami.

Hashtags: #casasenflorida #casasenorlando #casasentampa #casasenmiami #inversiones #inversionesenflorida #vacationhomes #casasvacacionales

Working Hours

  • Monday thru Friday: 9:00 A.M - 6:00 P.M
  • Saturday & Sunday: By Appointment

Our Location